Product Overview
Award-Winning Expertise
Society of Nursing presented its 1999-2000 award for computer-based
professional education to CAM I's designers.
The Society's award "recognizes and honors an application that clearly
exemplifies an outstanding instructional use of a computer for professional
nursing continuing education or nursing students." In a major review
written by Betty Ferrell, PhD, RN, FAAN, she praises the program for
"bringing education to life." "Your exceptional work in nursing is
an inspiration to all members of Sigma Theta Tau and to nurses everywhere."
Dr. Eleanor J. Sullivan, PhD, RN, FAAN Immediate Past President of
Sigma Theta Tau International.
Expert Author
Nancy Edwards, MS, RN is eminently qualified as the essential
author of The Learning Community's Competence Assessment Modules: Series I.
A nationally recognized expert in education technology, Nancy authored
a computer-based training program on the same accreditation and regulatory
topics for JCAHO and the Florida Hospital Association. She has more
than 20 years experience in teaching, management, research and clinical
practice in hospital settings and has been developing computer-based
training for over 10 years. She is currently an Instructional Designer
at Florida Gulf Coast University where she is pursuing her doctorate
in Human Resources.
National Advisory Board
Rhonda Anderson, RN, MPA, CNAA, FAAN
JCAHO Commissioner
Senior Administrator
Desert Samaritan Medical Center
Mesa, Arizona
Monica Berry, BSN, JD, LLM, FASHRM,
American Society for Health Care
Risk Management
Chief Risk Officer
Rockford Health System
Rockford, Illinois
Linda Burnes Bolton
Vice President/Chief Nursing Officer
Cedars-Sinai Health System
Los Angeles, California
Karlene Kerfoot
Senior Vice President for Nursing
& Patient Care Services
Clarian Health Partners, Inc.
Indianapolis, Indiana
Ann E. J. Kobs MS, RN
Type 1 Solutions
Cape Coral, Florida
Patricia A. Polansky
Executive Director
New Jersey Board of Nursing
Division of Consumer Affairs
Newark, New Jersey
George D. Velianoff
Chief Operating Officer
Emergency Nurses Association
Des Plaines, Illinois
Donna Wright, RN, MS
Staff Development Specialist/Consultant
Creative HealthCare Management
Minneapolis, Minnesota
System Requirements
28.8k (or faster) modem Internet connection
- Windows 95 (or later) or Windows NT 4.0/2000 (or later) operating system
- Internet Explorer 5 (or later) or Netscape 4.7 (or later) web browser
- Mac OS 9.1 (or later) operating system
- Internet Explorer 5 (or later) or Netscape 6.1 (or later) web browser
- Sound card
- Macromedia Flash Player 5.0 (or later) plug-in